Intent Data

Know who's in market before your competition

Narrow down your search to accounts that directly or indirectly convey that they're looking for what you're selling

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Buying Intent Data

Find in-market accounts with buying intent

Even before they reach out to you

Get access to the largest verified 3rd Party intent data (Bombora)
Create your 3rd party intent collection topics
Get account scores based on intent signals
See who's interested in your competitor's offerings and pitch them
What's in it?

What intent will you actually get?

You'll get enough information to know whether to target them or not

Consider our AI integration as your target account's PA. We'll know about their actions & let you know as soon as intent pattern emerges

What pages do they visit on your website
Buying intent with AI-powered scoring
Know if they're searching for your competitors
Verified 3rd party intent from our partner
Bombora | Recotap

A Bombora-Powered Partner

Harness the power of Recotap’s integration with Bombora’s Intent data to revolutionize ABM efforts and personalization strategies across multiple channels.

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